Matsuyama Y*, Fujiwara T, Aida J, Watt RG, Kondo N, Yamamoto T, et al. Experience of childhood abuse and later number of remaining teeth in older Japanese: A life-course study from Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study project. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2016 Dec;44(6):531-539.
Eguchi H, Shimazu A*, Fujiwara T, Iwata N, Shimada K, Takahashi M, et al. The effects of workplace psychosocial factors on whether Japanese dual-earner couples with preschool children have additional children: A prospective study. Industrial Health. 2016 Dec 7;54(6):498-504.
Al-Sobaihi S, Nakamura K*, Kizuki M. Undernutrition among children under 5 years of age in Yemen: Role of adequate childcare provided by adults under conditions of food insecurity. J Rural Med. 2016;11(2):47-57.
Furuichi M, Fujiwara T, Fukuda A, Kasahara M, Miyairi I*. Fulminant hepatic failure as a risk factor for cytomegalovirus infection in children receiving preemptive therapy after living donor liver transplantation. Transplant. 2016 Nov;100(11):2404-2409.
Baba S*, Iso H, Fujiwara T. Area-level and individual-level factors for teenage motherhood: A multilevel analysis in Japan. PLoS One. 2016 Nov 10;11(11):e0166345.
Mizuta A, Fujiwara T*, Ojima T. Association between economic status and body mass index among adolescents: a community-based cross-sectional study in Japan. BMC Obes. 2016 Nov 10;3:47.
Yazawa A*, Inoue Y, Fujiwara T, Stickley A, Shirai K, Amemiya A, et al. Association between social participation and hypertension among older people in Japan: The JAGES Study. Hypertens Res. 2016 Nov;39(11):818-824.
Tumurkhuu T, Fujiwara T, Komazaki Y, Kawaguchi Y, Tanaka T, Inazawa J, et al. Association between maternal education and malocclusion in Mongolian adolescents: A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2016 Nov 1;6(11):e012283.
Inoue Y*, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Shirai K, Amemiya A, Kondo N, Kondo K,Ojima T, Hanazato M, Suzuki N, Fujiwara T. Neighborhood characteristics and cardiovascular risk among older people in Japan: Findings from the JAGES project. PLoS One. 2016 Oct 7;11(10):e0164525.
Tani Y*, Fujiwara T, Kondo N, Noma H, Sasaki Y, Kondo K. Childhood socioeconomic status and onset of depression among Japanese older adults: The JAGES prospective cohort study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2016 Sep;24(9):717-26.
Morisaki N*, Kawachi I, Oken E, Fujiwara T. Parental characteristics can explain why Japanese women give birth to the smallest infants in the United States. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2016 Sep;30(5):473-8.
Tani Y, Kondo N, Nagamine Y, Shinozaki T, Kondo K, Kawachi I, Fujiwara T*. Childhood socioeconomic disadvantage is associated with lower mortality in older Japanese men: The JAGES cohort study. Int J Epidemiol. 2016 Aug;45(4):1226-1235.
Yagi J, Fujiwara T*, Yambe T, Okuyama M, Kawachi I, Sakai A. Does social capital reduce child behavior problems? Results from the Great East Japan Earthquake follow-up for children study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2016 Aug;51(8):1117-23.
Nosaka N*, Fujiwara T, Knaup E, Okada A, Tsukahara H. Validity of mothers’ reports of children’s weight in Japan. Acta Med Okayama. 2016 Aug;70(4):255-9.
Ochi M, Fujiwara T*. Association between parental social interaction and behavior problems in offspring: A population-based study in Japan. Int J Behav Med. 2016 Aug;23(4):447-57.
Igai K*, Itakura M, Nishijima S, Tsurumaru H, Suda W, Tsutaya T, Tomitsuka E, Tadokoro K, Baba J, Odani S, Natsuhara K, Morita A, et al. Nitrogen fixation and nifH diversity in human gut microbiota. Sci Rep. 2016 Aug 24;6:31942.
Morita A*, Natsuhara K, Vengiau G, Chia-Jung Chen C, Odani S, Inaoka T, et al. Reduced morning cortisol concentration in saliva was associated with obesity: Evidence from community-dwelling adults in Papua New Guinea. Am J Hum Biol. 2016 Jul;28(4):587-90.
Jwa, SC, Ogawa K, Kobayashi M, Morisaki N, Sago H, Fujiwara T*. Validation of a food-frequency questionnaire for assessing vitamin intake of Japanese women in early and late pregnancy with and without nausea and vomiting. J Nutr Sci. 2016 Jul 7;5:e27.
Mashal MO, Nakamura K*, Kizuki M. Hidden burden of non-medical spending associated with inpatient care among the poor in Afghanistan. Int J Public Health. 2016 Jul;61(6):661-671.
Isumi A*, Fujiwara T. Association of adverse childhood experiences with shaking and smothering behaviors among Japanese caregivers. Child Abuse Negl. 2016 Jul;57:12-20.
Morisaki N, Fujiwara T*, Horikawa R. The impact of parental personality on birth outcomes: A prospective cohort study. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 22;11(6):e0157080.
Amemiya A, Fujiwara T*. Association between maternal intimate partner violence victimization during pregnancy and maternal abusive behavior towards infants at 4 months of age in Japan. Child Abuse Negl. 2016 May;55:32-9.
Aoki S, Hashimoto K*, Ikeda N, Takekoh M, Fujiwara T, Morisaki N, et al. Comparison of the Kyoto scale of psychological development 2001 with the parent-rated Kinder Infant Development Scale (KIDS). Brain Dev. 2016 May;38(5):481-90.
Fujiwara T*, Morisaki N, Honda Y, Sampei M, Tani Y. Chemicals, nutrition, and autism spectrum disorder: A mini-review. Front Neurosci. 2016 Apr 20;10:174.
本間博彰、奥山眞紀子、藤原武男、江津秀恵. 大災害と幼児のPTSD―東日本大震災によりTraumaを受けた幼児の追跡研究―. 児童青年精神医学とその近接領域.2016 Apr 1;57(2):283-297.
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Hishikawa K, Fujinaga H, Fujiwara T, Goishi K, Kaneshige M, Sago H*, Ito Y. Respiratory stabilization after delivery in term infants after the update of the Japan resuscitation council guidelines in 2010. Neonatol. 2016;110(1):1-7.
Nagaoka K, Fujiwara T*. Impact of subsidies and socioeconomic status on varicella vaccination in Greater Tokyo, Japan. Front Pediatr. 2016 Mar 15;4:19.
Fujiwara T*, Shimazu A, Tokita M, Shimada K, Takahashi M, Watai I, et al. Association between parental workaholism and body mass index of offspring: A prospective study among Japanese dual workers. Front Public Health. 2016 Mar 17;4:41.
土井理美、横光健吾、坂野雄二.「価値に着目した行動活性化アプローチ -メタアナリシスによる検討-」.臨床心理学.2016 Mar;16(2):207-218.
陳内彩音、土井理美、堀内聡、坂野雄二.「大学生における学業意欲の低下および抑うつとキャリア成熟の関連」.北海道医療大学心理科学部研究紀要.2016 Mar;11:27-33.
Inoue Y*, Stickley A, Yazawa A, Fujiwara T, Kondo K, Kondo N. et al. Month of birth is associated with mortality among older people in Japan: Findings from the JAGES cohort. Chronobiol Int. 2016;33(4):441-7.
Yamaoka Y, Fujiwara T*, Tamiya N. Association between maternal postpartum depression and unintentional injury among 4-month-old infants in Japan. Matern Child Health J. 2016 Feb;20(2):326-36.
Doi S, Yokomitsu K, Sakano Y. Relationships among valued action, behavioral activation, avoidance, and reinforcement in a sample of college students. Psychol Rep. 2016 Feb;118(1):5-22.
Fujiwara T*, Yamaoka Y, Kawachi I. Neighborhood social capital and infant physical abuse: A population-based study in Japan. Int J Ment Health Syst. 2016 Feb 27;10:13.
Umezaki M*, Naito YI, Tsutaya T, Baba J, Tadokoro K, Odani S, Morita A, et al. Association between sex inequality in animal protein intake and economic development in the Papua New Guinea highlands: The carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of scalp hair and fingernail. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2016 Jan;159(1):164-73.
Fujiwara T*, Yamaoka Y, Morisaki N. Self-Reported prevalence and risk factors for shaking and smothering among mothers of 4-month-old infants in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2016;26(1):4-13.
松島みどり、立福家徳、伊角彩、山内直人.「現在の幸福度と将来への希望~幸福度指標の政策的活用~」.日本経済研究.2016 Jan;73:31-56.